JAMII IMPACT Financial Services Limited (JAMII IMPACT) is a financial inclusion services provider managed as a social enterprise.
JAMII IMPACT is registered and licensed in the United Republic of Tanzania to carry out business of a tier 2 non-deposit taking microfinance institution. UHURU Microfinance Consulting gGmbH, a Germany based charitable company is the advisor of JAMII Impact Limited.
JAMII IMPACT is committed in contributing to efforts in building a better world where poverty is eradicated, and people are provided with choices that positively shape their lives.
In line with the aims of the Tanzania National Financial Inclusion Framework (NFIF 2018-2022), JIL aims to offer “financial products and services that meet the needs of individuals and businesses consistent with supporting livelihood improvement, household resilience and creation of jobs” (NFIF 2018-2022, 3.1 Vision and Definition of Financial Inclusion Vision).
Our activities contribute to the achievement of multiple UN Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

JAMII IMPACT provides financial and non-financial services to Micro-, Small-, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), as well as smallholder farmers in Tanzania who are financially excluded from the formal banking sector. Hence, JAMII IMPACT grants credit facilities to qualified and eligible Community Microfinance Groups (CMGs) in Tanzania that commit to serve active individuals with low net income from the MSME- and smallholder farming sector. There are various forms of CMGs:
- Village Community Banks (VICOBA)
- Rotating Savings and Credit Associations (ROSCAs)
- Accumulated Savings and Credit Associations (ASCAs)
- Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs)
- Savings and Credit Associations (SACAS)
As directed by the 2019 Tanzania Microfinance Regulation Act, JAMII IMPACT also provides technical training in areas of financial education, business management and other advisory services to its partner CMGs. The aim is to strengthen their capacity as a way to enable them to improve their economic activities, achieve better results for themselves and hence also mitigate financial and operational risks for JAMII IMPACT.
Creating a poverty-free society by giving communities access to affordable and customer-centric financial and non-financial services.
We promote fairness, effectiveness, and a productive working environment.
We are creating impact through grassroots empowerment of local communities and their economic activities.